Cyprus became an IOM Member-State in May 1974 at a time when a lot of Cypriots were emigrating to Australia, Canada, South Africa, the US and other European countries. IOM started its activities in Cyprus much later when it was invited to set up an office locally.

IOM Cyprus operates on the basis of a Seat Agreement N.6(III)/ 2014 which was ratified in the House of Representatives on 13th June 2014. This Agreement defines the scope of IOM activities in the country which shall be to implement in the Republic of Cyprus migration programmes such as capacity building, advisory services and technical cooperation on migration issues, migration and health, international migration law, migration information, counter-trafficking, migration on nationals and aliens, assistance to internally and externally displaced persons and other persons in need, return of qualified human resources, other assisted return activities and resettlement programmes.

The IOM country office in Cyprus was inaugurated in November 2015 and is located in Nicosia. It falls under the purview of the IOM Regional Office for the European Economic Area, the European Union and NATO in Brussels, Belgium.

Contact Us

Nehru Avenue 1102, Nicosia, Cyprus
TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 80 00 27 77
Phone: (+357) 22 77 22 70
Fax: (+357) 22 77 22 65
IOM Cyprus

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