
IOM Exchange Fosters Global Action for Access to Justice for Migrant Workers

Madrid – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) hosted an international exchange on access to justice for migrant workers subjected to labour exploitation between September 13-14 in Madrid. The initiative was organized within the framework of IOM’s new regional project: “Enhancing IOM’s Protection Capacity in the EEA+ Region to Protect the Rights of Migrants Subject to Labour Exploitation”.

The two-day event resulted in the formulation of multiple best practices and recommendations, which will be compiled into a toolkit and training package on access to justice for migrant workers and victims of labour exploitation. Through these tools, IOM aims to contribute to improving the living conditions of thousands of people subjected to labour exploitation worldwide.

The exchange brought together approximately thirty key participants from Europe, including representatives of regional and international entities, national governmental authorities, NGO members and European trade unions.

The event commenced with speeches from Isabel Castro Fernández, the Spanish Secretary of State for Migration of the Ministry for the Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, and María Jesús Herrera, IOM Spain’s Head of Office. During her speech, Herrera stressed that “protecting migrant workers and imposing stricter sanctions on exploiters is the path to a future in which labour exploitation is eradicated, and the rights of all workers are respected”.

The event provided participants with the opportunity to discuss key topics such as the right to access to justice for migrant workers subjected to labour exploitation, the structural barriers that must be overcome to access this right, and the existing feedback mechanisms and remedy processes.

Through this exchange, IOM contributed to the achievement of Goal 6 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which focuses on facilitating fair and ethical recruitment and safeguarding conditions that ensure decent work, as well as Goal 8 of the 2030 Agenda, which promotes sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

For more information, please contact Jesús Diaz,

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth