
IOM Supports COVID-19 Information Campaign on Belarus' Borders

With the support of the EU and the IOM Development Fund, IOM Belarus and the State Border Committee (SBC) are rolling out a new information campaign to strengthen the COVID-19 response at the land and air points of entry (PoEs). From today and every day, 1,500 foreigners and Belarusian citizens will receive up-to-date information on COVID-19 prevention measures at the when they enter the country.

At passport control, everyone will receive a leaflet with the information about COVID-19, its risks and prevention measures, as well as behavioral recommendations during the 14-day self-isolation required upon arrival in Belarus. The information is provided in Russian and English.

Anton Bychkovskiy, the SBC Spokesperson, pointed out that “the current public health care crisis demonstrates the importance of having the most recent information on COVID-19 prevention at hand. The border guards are the first to meet the new arrivals. It seems natural to distribute the latest information on preventive measures and self-isolation."

With the constantly changing situation and the forthcoming gradual border openings, the leaflet will be updated accordingly.

“This pandemic has forced governments to reconsider their approaches to migration issues and adjust them to new realms. IOM Belarus welcomes the readiness of the Belarusian governments in this regard: for example, now foreigners can request to extend their stay in Belarus in case that they cannot leave the country due to the COVID-19 outbreak," said Mahym Orazmuhammedova, IOM's Chief of Mission in Belarus. 

"Our information campaign is another joint step to strengthen preparedness and the COVID-19 response, particularly, at the points of entry with respect for the rights of those who are on the move. We are glad to have the support of the EU and the IOM Development Fund on our side”, she added.

The second part of the campaign will take place via social media networks to reach more people.

For more information contact:

Olga Borzenkova at IOM Belarus, Tel: +375 17 2882742. E-mail:

City of Dispatch: Minsk